The typical JJ X-Ray customer is an instrument scientist working at a synchrotron radiation facility, a free-electron laser (FEL), or at a neutron facility. Approximately 50 synchrotron radiation research facilities and 25 neutron research facilities exist and are located around the globe. The facilities are typically multilateral or run by a local government. For many years, JJ X-Ray has delivered scientific instruments to several of these facilities. Please have a look at our reference list.
A synchrotron radiation source is an accelerator-based source of exceptionally intense radiation of x-rays and ultraviolet radiation. The radiation is produced in an electron storage ring with a circumference ranging from a few tenths of meters to several hundred meters. The radiation is guided to the experiments through beamlines equipped with optical and beam-shaping components.
A free-electron laser (FEL) is one of the latest facility members of the field. The electron lasers are based on linear accelerators that emit extremely intense laser beams in the x-ray area. Only a few such lasers are currently operating worldwide, but more are in the construction phase. JJ X-Ray has been intensively involved in the instrumentation of these facilities from the very beginning.
A neutron facility produces neutron beams either through a nuclear reactor or a spallation source, where a beam of charged particles interacts with a fixed target that emits the neutrons. In either case, the neutrons are guided to the experiment, and JJ X-Ray delivers both experimental stations and beam-conditioning components.
You can find a complete list of neutron- and x-ray sources by clicking on the links.