Standard Lenses

We work with beryllium, aluminum, and nickel lenses from RXOPTICS.

Beryllium and aluminum are available in the configurations below:

Be 2D-lenses Al 2D-lenses 1D Be-lenses 1D Al-lenses
Length 2.5mm Length 2.5mm
R (µm) 2R0 (µm) R (µm) 2R0 (µm) R (µm) 2R0 (µm) R (µm) 2R0 (µm)
50 447 50 447
100 632 100 632
200 894 200 894 200 894 200 894
300 1095 300 1095 300 1095 300 1095
500 1414 500 1414 500 1414 500 1414
1000 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000
1500 2449
2000 2828
>2500 On request

The lenses can be integrated into CRL systems made by JJ X-Ray.

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