For technical details, please see the specific UHV variants below or contact us.
About UHV Slits
Our classical IB-C30-UHV slit has been on the market for more than 10 years and performs successfully at numerous facilities around the world. Following the increasing demand, other even more advanced, UHV-slit designs have followed.
At JJ X-Ray, we have extensive knowledge of and experience with UHV mechanics that makes it possible to customize solutions to meet the specific requirements of our customers.
Common features:
- Assembled in a fully equipped ISO 5 cleanroom.
- Customization according to customer requests (blades, flanges,
motors, encoders, connectors, fiducial plates, etc.). - Helium leak detection and residual gas analysis (RGA) as an integrated part of the Factory Acceptance Test.
- Options for fiducialisation, laser interferometry and vibration measurement.
Reference list for our UHV-slit systems:
Argonne National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Lab (NSLS/NSLS-II)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Diamond Light Source
European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL)
Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS)
National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory (NSLS)
Pohang Light Source, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL)
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF)
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light source, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC)
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)